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Our Trainings
About us
Our Trainings
200 hour Yoga and meditation Teacher Training Application
Please Tell Us About You.
First Name
Last Name
Where do you live?
What Training are you applying for?
Click below
Lila Flow Yoga 200 on demand
Lila Flow Yoga 200 with a mentor
Meditation Teacher Training
How many years have you been practicing yoga and/or meditation?
What do you plan to do with your yoga or meditation teacher training?
What attracts you to the Lila Flow Teacher Trainings?
What styles of yoga and meditation have you practiced before? Please share in detail.
This will help your mentor too!
We offer special discounts for the BIPOC community and for those with financial restraints and believe these practices should be available to all.
Do you identify as BIPOC or need a payment plan with a discounted rate?
If you get accepted, you will have to practice yoga asana at least three times a week for Yoga YTT, and meditate daily for both YTT and MTT. Do you have any injuries or limitations that would prevent you from this?
If yes, please explain below.
Thank you!